
This site is operated on the basis of the following rules of use with the objective of supplying information of the China Design Centre. People who access and use this site are deemed to agree with this site policy.


As a rule, users are not required to ask permission to link to pages on the website of the China Design Centre (http://www.chinadesigncentre.com/) (hereinafter referred to as “this website”). Users must, however, indicate clearly on their web pages that they are link(s) to this website.

The above-mentioned rule applies when the users provide a link to any page of this website including the top page, unless otherwise indicated on this website.

Intellectual property rights

Any intellectual property rights to information provided on this website belong to CDC or to a person(s) who provided information to CDC. Those rights to information on this website are protected under the relevant laws.
Without prior approval from CDC or from the person(s) who provided information to CDC, users may not copy, publish, transmit, distribute, rent, license, reproduce or reuse all or any part of information on this website unless otherwise provided in the relevant laws.


CDC provides information on this website by taking every possible care. CDC does not, however, assume any legal liability for the completeness, accuracy, usefulness or any other characteristics of the content of this website. Furthermore, information on this website represents only a part of CDC’s activities and dose not cover all of the activities. Please understand beforehand that CDC is not responsible for any consequences whatsoever that may result from decisions or actions taken by users based on the information on this website.
CDC is not responsible for any damages to users or consequences such as inconveniences related to indicators of broken links caused by changes or deletions of information on this website or changes of this website’s URL.
Users are to be reminded to deal with the matters on their own responsibilities, in case any problem should arise by viewing any website linked from this website.

Cookie policy

We use cookies on this site when users first enter the site. This ensures that on subsequent visits, if the cookie has not been deleted, users will not be asked to re-register. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer by the server maintaining and operating the site. They do not compromise your privacy or security as they store a randomly generated identifying tag on your computer.

The cookie information does not include personal data such as name, age, phone number, email address or mailing address. In addition, we do not link cookies to personal data such as name, age, phone number, email address or mailing address. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you would prefer, you can set your browser to stop cookies being placed on your terminal equipment – please refer to your specific Internet browser for instructions.