• Identifying best international practice and assessing how the experiences and lessons can be learnt and applied
• Carrying out bespoke research for public and private sectors, covering planning system comparison, new town development, rural regeneration, healthy town planning, community building, eco-masterplanning, smart cities and economic growth
• Organising international conferences/ symposiums for the above research themes
Agriculture and Rural Regeneration through Town Development: An International
contents: the rise, fall and revival of
English countryside | post-modern agriculture |sustainable local food supply
system | agriculture and food systems in UK Garden Cities| case studies of
large-scale organic/ biodynamic farms in the UK and Europe
with: Royal Agriculture University, Dreiseitl Consulting, Letchworth Garden
City Heritage Foundation
Conference: The Third China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Wu Town, Nov.
Town Planning
contents: health risks in the world and
China, determinants of health, incorporating health with spatial planning, principles
to plan healthy towns, key elements to build healthy places, community health
care services and smart technology in healthcare
with: Town and Country Planning Association
Conference: The Third China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Wu Town, Nov.
Child-Friendly Towns: Lessons & Insights from around the World
contents understanding Western people’s opinions on education | defining
child-friendly town in planning | the importance of play, facilities, places and
services in the town to support children’s growth trajectory |co-create with
children| how to face risks and seek out inspiration
with: UK’s leading child-friendly planning expert Tim Gill (leading the
research and presentation)
Conference: The Third China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Wu Town, Nov.
senior care philosophy and practice: Case study from Apartment for Life in the
contents: The philosophy of happy senior care | core beliefs of the happiness
care: ‘self-care and you are your own boss’, ‘use it or lost it’, ‘extended family’ and
‘Yes culture’| management of the Apartment of Life | medical care model under
happiness philosophy
presentation by Dr. Han Becker, world’s senior care expert and happy senior
care promotor
Conference: The Third China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Wu Town, Nov.
Business and Economy Management of Letchworth Garden City
Research contents: business and economy development in
Letchworth over the past century | long-term town management from LGCHF |
current management for industry, commercial activities and town centre,
agriculture and environment, and other activities to enhance the attractiveness
and vitality of the town
Working with: Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation,
International Garden City Institute
Conference: The Second China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Lin’an, March
Building Real Smart City for People
Research contents:
• Think Big: Explain why we need Smarter Urbanisation
• Know what works: Illustrate six case studies—Copenhagen, Singapore, Freiburg, Vienna, Grenoble, and Cambridge--- where smart technologies are adding value
• Start Small:Examine different technologies, hard and soft
• Scale Fast: Recommend what ‘Smart towns’ should do, namely smart planning, smart finance, smart infrastructure, smart building and smart management
Working with: The Urbed Trust, The University of Manchester
Conference: The Second China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Lin’an, March 2018
Agriculture and Town Development
Research contents: large-scale modern agriculture in the
Netherlands | community supported agriculture (CSA) in the UK | food production
structure and output values |technical innovation, smart farming and IoT and
block chain applications| supply chain, logistics, sales and marketing | EU and
national agricultural policy implications | circular economy | urban and peri-urban
Working with: Royal Agriculture University
Conference: The Second China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Lin’an,
March 2018
Renewable Energy and Eco-masterplanning for Towns
Research contents: eco-city masterplanning strategies | life
style and land use | circular economy | blue-green infrastructure | cases
projects for rural-urban ecosystems, climate responsive town, city of renewable
energies and smart grid
Conference presentation by German leading eco-masterplanner
Prof. Jochim Eble, founder of EMP Architektur
Conference: The Second China-UK Bluetown and Greentown Ideal Town Conference, Lin’an,
March 2018
Community Trust: Building a Sustainable Community
Research contents:
explaining how to develop and run a community trust by the cases of
Letchworth and Graylingwell |visions and objectives | benefits to the community
| governance and management | business model
Forum presentation by UK’s leading community trust
consultant Mark Patchett
Client: Luxelake eco city, Chengdu Wanhua Investment Group
Conference: Urban Forum in Luxelake 2019 Creative Event
London Summit Brings Chinese Developers together with British Masterplanners and Design Experts
Letchworth Garden City ---World's First Garden City
Clients: Bluetown Group, Greentown Ideal Town Construction Group
Happy City and Happy Life
Clients: Bluetown Group, Greentown Ideal Town Construction Group